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The Strategic Assistant® Webinar Program

Exclusively for current participants of Strategic Coach



This webinar program is specifically designed for direct assistants.

To be confident you’re making a worthwhile investment, use the following criteria to determine if your team member is a “right fit” for the program.

Your assistant:

1. Is responsible for managing your time and activities.

2. Is successful in their role and motivated to get better at it.

3. Has respect for you and other members of your team.

4. Is open to learning new ways of doing things.

5. Is committed to creating solutions rather than complaining.

6. Is self-motivated or, as we say at Strategic Coach, has “batteries included.”

7. Can visualize how they fit into your company’s future.

If you answered “yes” to all of the above, you can be confident that this is a valuable investment.

Please keep in mind that part of the program involves your assistant having conversations and doing exercises with you, so it’s important that they have access to you.

Investment: US/CA$1,295 per person (plus applicable taxes), £960 per person (including applicable taxes)

For the next start date, please speak with one of our Coach+ Specialists. In Canada, call 416.531.7399 or 1.800.387.3206. In the U.S., call 847.699.5767 or 1.888.872.8877. From the UK, call 0800 051 6413. You can also email teamprograms@strategiccoach.ukstrategiccoach.com.

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